Official Records Image download Services
Official records Image download service
Official records image download service allows you to download images associated with an instrument. Service returns the file name with absolute path information from where you can download associated image. Note: This service does not provide the actual recorded instrument file, but provides the file name with absolute URL path from where you can download the image yourself in most supported browsers.


This transaction is used for downloading the name of the image associated with an instrument number. When this service is invoked, the system will prepare associated image for future download and provides the abbsolute URL path from where the user can download the image. Note: When this service is invoked, associated image is prepared for future download and is stored in a temporary storage, you need to download the image within a short period (typically within minutes) before the image is deleted from temporary storage.

Basic Information Details
Method name GetImageNameByReferenceNo
Release date 11/15/2015


version number 1.0
Parameter Reference No (eg: 4562345)